This page contains a extensive collection of web site links I found useful, in no particular order, except favorites that I listed first. Browse and see if there's any topics that interest you, or do a "find" for something in particular.
U.S. Genweb
The United States USGenweb URL is ( There is a WorldGenWeb ( it was put together well after USGenweb. The world version has links to all country web sites and the U.S. version has links to all states. A description of USGenweb can be found in the FamilySearch Wiki ( A description of WorldGenWeb can be found in Wikipedia ( I maintain four USGenWeb county sites, two in California and two in Pennsylvania. They are areas where either I (or my ancestors lived).
- California, Alameda County
- California, Mariposa County
- California, Mendocino County
- California, Santa Cruz County
- Indiana, Elkhart County
- Pennsylvania, Indiana County
- Pennsylvania, Mercer County {assistant site coordinator}
The 1950 Census
It's available, for free, on FamilySearch. You just need a free FamilySearch account. -
In the census, what do the Leave Blank codes mean
Enumeration District Finders Enumeration District Search: (1) Go to; (2) 1950 Census District Finder; (3) Click on "Explore Maps", that will take you to: (4) Provide Address and navigate visually to where your person lived to see the ED
Stephen Morse Enumeration District Search:
Help by Reviewing Records
FamilySearch - Review/Correct Families, Names or Document Headers. Its fun! When viewing a family on a 1950 census record, (1) click on the Census Image (2) Click on the person icon to the right of the total number of images (3) Scroll to the line and item you want to change and click on it (4) Update a dialog box that asks what information you want to add and click SAVE. This will add an extra instance of the information. The original information will still be there and is searchable, but so is the new information. This is quite helpful when names (or any fields) are intered incorrectly.
Sample Lines
- On the left side of the 1950 Census forms are little boxes that say "Sample Line" - People in these lines provide extra answers on the bottom of the form
- The very last Sample Line has a number of additional answers.
- Census Page Numbering
- Important to note, if people are not home, and later enumerated, they are added to sheets that begin with 71. So even if there are only 30 sheets in an enumeration district, the latter pages if people weren't home, may contain pages 71 and up that contain people's details. The original "not home" line should point to the 7x numbered sheets and line numbers.
Census Instructions
On the NARA website ( is an excellent collection of Resources ( including "Instructions for Enumerators and the Public". Knowing why enumerators did what they did might answer questions. Items like Canvassing cities with blocks, T-Nights (Transient canvassing), , No one at home, Refusals and much more are described.
Note: Much of this 1950 Census information was learned from the Silicon Valley Computer Genealogy Group, during a Zoom presentation by Pamela Brigham, President, about 1950 Census Tips on May 14, 2022. Also from Pam were animated boundary maps.
County Formation Maps
There is an excellent Ani-Map program from they call the County Boundary Historical Atlas. Several web sites give credit to Ani-Map in generating their County Formation maps. One site is with an example using Pennsylvania Counties. Also, has an extensive set of Ani-map-like county formation maps. Another tool is the Newberry Atlas of Historical County Boundaries (mentioned in James Tanner's blog. Randy Majors created a free website tool that uses this excellent Newberry source, overlaid on a Google Map. Just type in any present day US address and historical year.
Also, read two blog posts by James Tanner that cover this topic very well. Take Time for Geographic Timeline
- Part 1 - Part 2
History Growth of a Nation and the World
- Why wasn't Portugal conquered by Spain?
- How Italy became a country, in one animated map
- Growth of a Nation - Ten minute Flash "Movie" on how the country was formed from 1789 to present. Gives good overview of when states were admitted to theunion and the big battles of the day.
- Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes - Four and a half minute video of how health and wealth has grown and redistributed in the last 200 years. Very instructive.
- Abkebab's Map of Europe 1000 AD to present with timeline. Many other similar animated maps.
- Migration map of the U.S. from the New York Times Animated map of the contiguous 48 States showing every country boundary change from 1629 onwards, and State border changes from 1784.
- History of the World - Every Year - TED Talk - The history of our world in 18 minutes
Google Searches
- Six "Secret" Genealogy Google Search Tricks, especially the "around(x)" operator.
- Google Advanced Searchhas a form for you to input a variety of search terms. Very useful!
- Google Genealogy Searching Article from Genealogy In Time Magazine.
- Search Term to produce list of Free Kindle Genealogy Books" “Free in Kindle Store” _Your Search Term(s_)
- Guide to Google - - Will make you an "Expert" Google searcher
- Good overview course on Google search by a Google scientist.
- Focused Searches: Precede your search with the tilde symbol to limit the search to synonyms... e.g. ~genealogy (Google says they removed this feature)
- Remove items - If you want to search for something and exclude results, add a word preceded by the dash symbol
- Exact phrase - Surround a series of words by quotes e.g. "William Cullison George"
- Search just for images including uploading a .jpg file, and find similar images.
- Find Clipart... Google "clipart genealogy", or use "clipart genealogy" and find even more genealogy clipart
- Search for date ranges, add this to your query "1910..1930"
1752 Date Change
Found a good explanation at the CT State Library.
Finding Live People
Here are my favorite "live people" search sites. If you REALLY want to find out about someone, you can find a lot by using any/all of these sites. The latest one I added is that estimates your home's worth if you supply the address. I read about it on Dick Eastman's Blog
Locate Area Codes and Reverse Phone Nbr Lookup -
Search U.S. zip codes by address, city, or county: (14 Jan 2022) * Comprehensive (kind of slow) * Gathers from Multiple sources * Very good
Newspaper Research
The Ancestor Hunt, Newspaper Links is a delight from Kenneth R. Marks of Arizona. Arranged by state with some specialty newspapers from Canada and Australia. Many are free! Just became my favorite Newspaper site.
Comprehensive Newspaper list by James Tanner author of
Chronicling America, from Library of Congress - Listing of Newspapers all over the country. Useful just to figure out what newspapers existed in certain time periods in certain cities in the U.S.
Newspaper Library (Pay Site) -
Sutro Library of California -
Susan Rush - Favorite Newspaper Sites via an email to Family Tree SIG Members - 5 May 2014
University of Illinois America (Library of Congress) Digital Newspaper Collection News Archive (owned by Ancestry) $$$
http://newspapers.comOnline Historical Newspapers Website\ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$
The Challenge of Adding Sources to Family Trees
My favorite blogger James Tanner is writing a series about "The Challenge of Adding Sources to Family Trees". He has a great perspective on the topic with a trial lawyer background and years as a researcher and teacher of genealogy.
- The Historical Reality (20 Aug 2016)
- The Citation Issue (4 Sep 2016) James lists many (ten) citation standards.
Legal Records
- For United States court cases. Easy to use. Very clean interface,
Forms for Genealogy
Various sources of blank genealogy forms
Irish Genealogy
- Irish Genealogy Toolkit and Irish Genealogy News by Claire Santry. Irish Genealogy Toolkit was created as a way of passing on that knowledge to another generation of amateur genealogists and, she hopes, sparing them the wasted hours and money of going round and round in circles or following blind alleys. It covers all the basics of tracing ancestors in Ireland. Irish Genealogy News came along a few years later to keep family historians up to date with the surprisingly fast-moving world of Irish genealogy. Professionals and amateurs alike have come to depend upon it.
- The Septs - Outstanding publication about Irish Genealogy
- Irish Clans, Tribes and Septs - Tries to be the biggest index of freely available eBooks (or 'e-Books' if you prefer) on Irish History, Biography and Genealogy! The eBooks are listed in a wide range of categories.
Word Clouds
- is the simplest to use and the most flexible of all the word cloud generators I've seen, and, it's free
- If you have a Family Tree in, the web site has a namecloud function for your ancestor's first names and last names that's pretty good.
- A word cloud article informal us of many that still exist even if isn't.
Free Conference Calling
- Completely free, they claim. See a review of five sites that advertise free conference calls.
Genealogy Web Site Ranking with
Will rate your favorite web site numerically & analyze in many ways. See if your favorite web site stands up to this scrutiny. An example is:
Census Search
Find out details about your city. Originally developed as a research tool for reporters to include background information.
- This is a very powerful and free genealogy tool. It is similar to in that it has record search and Family Tree capabilities. It is located at
Online Calendars
- Great Utility for creating custom calendars, very efficient -
- Easy to use recent calendar printing -
Publishing a family's history
- Great article about suggestions to create a family's history by Randy Seaver from his Blog,
- Lulu is a great resource for publishing inexpensively.
Find GPS Coordinates
- Type in address to get coordinate:
- Navigate Map to get coordates:
- In Google Earth - Navigate to your location, then click on New Placemark Icon (looks like yellow stickpin), move to desired location, then copy paste L/L from the New Placemark Dialog Box
- In Google Maps - Navigate to the location, then right-click and click on "What's Here"
Social Security Death Master - Find Social Secuiry Numbers Just change the date in the URL. You might get lucky. e.g.
- I have generally been aware of Find A Grave but finally got around to registering and adding a few memorials of my relatives. Let me tell you, it is addictive. If you have feelings for your relative who have died, what a great way to remember them. See Don't forget to register.
- - Free, 6 million records
- - military graves
- - maintains cemeteries, foreign cemeteries - 125k solders
Connecting with Irish History
Ireland History
- Ch 1 BBC The Story of Ireland - Age of Invasion
- Ch 2 BBC The Story of Irelend - Age of Conquest (Normans 12th century)
- Ch 3 BBC The Story of Ireland - Age of Revolution
- Ch 4 BBC The Story of Ireland - Age of Union
- Ch 5 BBC The Story of Ireland - Age of Nations
Scotland History
- S2E1 The Last of the Free. See also The Holy Isle of Iona is described with pleasant music
Correcting On-Line Family Trees
- An excellent article by Kimberly Powell of It covers seldom-discussed on-line trees such as Ancestry's Online Family Tree, One World Tree, RootsWeb's WorldConnect Family Tree
Find photos of Street Addresses and Values of Homes
- - Provides real estate values.
- - Key in street & see a picture of property via Google Maps
DNA Testing
My wife and I have "indulged" in DNA tests (Autosomal Tests with Ancestry, FTDNA and Y DNA with FTDNA for me, a Y DNA test fo rmy wife's brother's son and an autosomal test for her). We found very close Y matches with our same surnames, but unfortunately, none of our matches have done research far back enough to identify who the common relatives are. There is a lot to learn about genetic genealogy, especially if you want to understand what is being tested. It's complicated and geneticists have their own terminology, A DNA SIG was started by the SRVGS group in 2012 to help us understand it and ended about 6 month later. There are many web sites that shed light on the subject. DNA testing can be expensive and, I would imagine, quite profitable for the companies that provide the testing. Therefore there's a lot of advertising and inflated clains. YDNA tests cost between $125-$175 and mitochondrial test are over $200. Autosomal (so called "Family Finder") tests are more reasonable as millions are taking it, on special as low as $59 and normally about $99. Here some links I've run across:
- YouTube - Search for "DNA for Dummies", "DNA Explained" and "Genetic DNA Testing". e.g.this interesting video with Megan Smolenyak narrating & Chris Haley and is Scottish relative.
- SRVGS Member Bob Venter's web site - specifically the link to "A Short Course in Genetics".
- LAGS member Doug Mumma's surname study web site
- Centimorgan Chart - from the excellent (at finding adoptees ancestors) "DNA Detectives" Facebook Group.
I would say that and MyHeritage have helpful sections on their web sites that focus on DNA matching and connect common individuals in uploaded family trees. This saves a great deal of effort.
Genealogy Tools
- Calculate birth date from death date and age on tombstones and death certificates
Behind your Name
These sites can be used to discover the meaning and history of your name.
- - Full Names
- - Given Names
- - Wikipedia definition of Given Name
- - Surname
TNG - The next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding (version 9)
- After being shown some TNG web sites recently, I became very interested in this software. It appears to be a very flexible way to put your personal genealogy on the Web so that potential collaborators will see it and contact you with a wealth of new information. It has been installed successfully in August, 2011 and my wife and I are experimenting with it. They came out with a version 9 earlier in 2012 and it's working well. Some example sites are: TNG User's Sites, Author's TNG Site (Darrin Lithgoe) and the Kloosterman family. It is very cool software, only costs $35. They're up to version 14 as of Feb. 2024
Obituaries Help
- Lots of info about obituaries and a bonus is many manual chart forms that you can easily download from their site map.
Gedcom Issues
There appears to be a dearth of good information about the Gedcom format used to transfer genealogy data between computer programs. Maybe there's a book or web site that's so good, nobody needs to publish anything else! Well, I think that people concentrate so much on their own genealogy programs that they don't share data with other programs. So they don't have issues of sharing files between genealogy programs. I noticed a couple blog entries from blog dealing with this very issue and I hunted down a couple other web sites that talk about Gedcom issues.
Geneamusings Blog Entries
Feb 17, 2011 post about Family Tree, Legacy and Roots Magic genealogy programs and Gedcom
FTM 2011 ==> Roots Magic and Legacy - Geneamusings Blog about inputtng sources into FTM 2011 and then attempting to export via Gedcom to Roots Magic4 and Legacy 7 databases.
Publish Free Genealogy Web Sites and Files
Browser Access Web Sites
- - See my Example at
- Yahoo Groups - They do, unfortunately, have a lot of advertising
Ancestry Magazine Back Issues
- Ancestry has ceased publishing the Ancestry Magazine. But all back issues are available from Google Books.
Personalized Maps
- Discovered this map-making gadget & couldn't resist showing our travels, mostly in the U.S., Mexico & Canada and UK with some Caribbean. The web site, has ALL KINDS of artsy craftsy web pages like this, from calendar makers to comic book captions.
Travels of Bill and Diane through 2014

Make yours @
The Genealogy Research Plan
To do family history research, you need to have goals and a plan.
- A good place to start learning about this is at an web page, about the "Genealogy Research Plan" -
Research Assistance
- Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness- Volunteers help you.
Search Your Family Tree Using Google
There's a poplular book out, for $34.95 by Dan Lynch called "Google Your Family Tree"
Supporting Sites with ordering or interviews: World Vital Records | Genea Musings |Other Google Family Tree Search Links
Macintosh Genealogy Resourses
TV Programs about Genealogy:
Who do you think you are - NBC Friday night, 8pm.
Local (to Castro Valley, California) Genealogy groups:
California Genealogical Society - Transferred from San Francisco to Oakland
Contra Costa County Genealogical Society meets the second Thurday of each month (except Aug) at 7pm in Concord.
Livermore-Amador Valley Genealological Society | Meetings
- 2nd Mon., 7:30pm, 3400 Nevada St., Pleasanton, 94566Macintosh & Genealogy ( - User Group started by Bill George in April 2009 - 2nd Wed., 7:00pm on Zoom,
San Mateo Genealogical Society
- Third Wed. or Third Sat., Silicon Valley Community Foundation at 1700 South El Camino,San MateoSan Ramon Valley Genealogical Society
-3rd Tues 10am-12 Danville FHC, 2949 Stone Valley Road, AlamoSilicon Valley Computer Genealogy Group - Meetings on Zoom, 2nd Saturday, 10am. Members are notified by email before each meeting.
Regional and National and Regional Genealogy Groups
- Association of Professional Genealogists
- Board for Certification of Genealogists
- California Genealogical Society - Free Beginning Genealogy Lessons, 1st Saturday of the month.
- International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists
- National Genealogical Society - Subscription to Magazine. They Have National Conference
- New York Genealogical and Biographical Society
- Southern California Genealogical Society
Census Analysis Tools
Very Helpful Tools when analyzing Census Record. Try googling "Census Image Templates"
- Census Tools - - This one is EXCELLENT
Encyclopedia of Genealogy (sponsored by
Genealogy Research Libraries - Bay Area
Oakland Regional Family History Center (with list of 12 Bay Area FHCs)
4766 Lincoln Avenue
Oakland, Alameda, California, United States
Phone: 510-531-3905
Hours: T, W 10am-9pm; Th, F, S 10am-4pmNational Archives Pacific Region
1000 Commodore Drive
San Bruno, California 94066-2350
Phone: 650-238-3500
Fax: 650-238-3511Sutro Library
480 Winston Drive
San Francisco, CA 94132
Phone: (415) 731-4477
Fax: (415) 557-9325
E-Mail: Clara Central Park Library
Genealogy Collection in Heritage Pavilion (search for Central Park Library)
2635 Homestead Road
Santa Clara, CA 95051
408-615-2900 Reference Desk
Genealogy Lineage Software
- Free - Ftree
- Free - Genes (from
- Free - Gramps
- Free - Personal Ancestral File (PAF) Although discontinued by LDS
- Ancestral Quest | Demo (Same author as PAF)
- Free - Legacy Family Tree 10.0 Standard
- Family Tree Maker
- Roots Magic | Demo
Research Web Sites
- Free - FamilySearch (LDS)
- $240+/yr US -
- $360+/yr US+World -
Charts for Genealogy
- Family Graphics - Specializes in printing charts from Mac pgm, Reunion. Excellent site, good prices
- Generation Maps - The Chart Chick likes this site
- Reunion - has Message Boards with Charting Topics
- The Chart Chick
- Misbach - PDF Forms for Manual Charts
Books (free)
- Project Gutenberg | Wikipedia especially Thomas Darcy McGee's "The history of Ireland"
- "A History of the Irish Settlers in North America from the Earliest Period to the Census of 1850" by Thomas D'Arcy McGee
Common Genealogical Data Format
- Definition of Gedcom from EOGEN Encyclopedia
- Gedcom to HTML Program Gedpage
WorldCat WorldWide Library Catalog
- WorldCat -
Genealogy Blogs
There are some very informative Genealogy Blogs. A couple noteworthy ones are Dick Eastman's Online Genealogy, Genea Musings, the, Genealogy Bank Blog and a terrific Resource, a genealogy blog finder.
- Ancestry Insider
- Chart Chick Her specialty is Charting
- Dear Myrtle of the Dear Myrtle Blog. She's retired, but has her archives available
- Dick Eastman of Eastman's Genealogy Newsletter
- Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter
- Geneablogger - Contains a list of HUNDREDS of genealogy blogs
- Genealogy Bank Blog
- Genealogy Blog Finder
- Genealogy's Star - James Tanner - Wonderful, in depth information. FamilySearch and LDS oriented
- Genea Musings - Randy daily 's great Blog
- Genroots - Colorado Blogger, note his humor
- Steven J Danko's Genealogy Blog
Podcasts are very helpful. You can stream them and learn when you have downtime traveling or waiting.
* Cyndi's List - Podcasts
* Genealogy Gems - Lisa Louise Cooke
* Genealogy Guys - George C. Morgan and Drew Smith
* National Archives Podcast
British Royals
Research Tools
Genealogy Inc - See also their list of county formation maps of most states.
Some Interesting Genealogy Sites:
- - Very compelling way to share your family tree and motivate relatives to provide biographical information.
- Genetic Genealogist web site
- Cyndi's List is a tremendous genealogy resource, at
- Google Genealogy Search - There is also a clever genealogy search page using Google technology that's quite helpful at
- Family Tree Searcher - This is a Multi-Site Genealogy Search utility that lets you search eight genealogy sites at once. It may save you some time.
- A good free resource for beginning genealogists is They have podcasts and frequent email updates available as well as the web site itself.
- History of the Census
- Millions of users - Do a search on "Genealogy" to find friends, blogs, podcasts and web sites. Maybe get lucky and run into relatives (and maybe not).
- Self-publishing site for people who want to publish their blogs.
- Google Maps - The most incredible current-day map resource on the internet
- Perry-Casteneda Map Collection - Large collection of maps from the Univ. of Texas including many from the CIA
George Genealogy Research
I am working on a brick wall, trying to locate any information about my third great grandfather. I have information about my second great grandfather Samuel George, b. 1815 Indiana cty, PA, d. 1889 Mercer Cty, PA. An 1880 census record indicates that Samuel's father is from Ireland. That's all I know about him. So I'm looking into immigration from Ireland to the U.S. before 1815 and families that existed in nearby Indiana, PA. I located a William George born in Ireland, who lived close to Indiana, PA and am tracing his family. Updated Mar 2015. Fairly likely guess at given name for 2nd ggf is "William" according to Irish family naming conventions. So I'm on the trail of William George, in early Pennsylvania (1810-1830), and before. My aunt and I commissioned some work by Salt Lake City LDS Researchers and found some additional information including a will, where a William George left Samuel George land and a home in Pennsylvania. It's looking like William George may be our man.
I'm also researching the George line using Ancestry, MyHeritage and FamilySearch sites.
- George Surname Origin & Last Name Meaning
- George Study
- George DNA Surname Project
- Memorabilia - Crests & gifts
- George Surname web sites on
- My family is connected to Sir Godfrey Kneller, it is thought through family lore - But it isn't clear how. I have Knell surnames. To find out more Google Godfrey Kneller and visit this web site and search for "Sir Godfrey Kneller.